

Thursday, January 17, 2013

And Cheers to the New Year!

Yes, the first month of the year is coming to an end... Its freaking cold and blooming freezing out here...enjoying it, trying to beat it!!! yes, long nights and shorter days... 
For I was so busy with my Project deadlines,hectic schedules and dull weather leaving me with very less time to blog...
with out any more delays let me wish you all a very happie new year :) ... wish you a fantabulous new year - 2013 the year of change... 
wishing a you all a very prosperous and an event full year 2013 :) :)

We did gift ourselves a car, for this new year, "Skoda Fabia" of course not the brand new one! :)
but still love the small beauty! and we did enjoy our first long drive to Brighton!


Nuthan said...

hahaha .. thank you .. you have a fantabulous new year tooo !! : ) .. ohh the Car !!!! the lovely me and the lovely you .. happy 2013 : ): )

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