

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sleepy Monday Mornings…Zzzzzz…..

Blame it on Sunday's sleepless nights - the very thought of the monstrous Monday makes me loose my sleep… I would have hardly slept for six hours.. :(

Man its so hard and really very hard to concentrate on monday mornings, it is much more inertia for my big yawns, with out a cup of caffeine on that day at work…and this day gets guttered when you have a PHB kind of a boss. 
With huge boulder of tasks and To-Do lists thrown at you to suffocate and drown you almost! phew ;) 
watt an epic day it turns out to be! 

well this feeling lingers until 11ish  and then I really get in to the groove, all awake and active, singing and dancing to the tunes of my work ;)

The week continues with no major hiccups on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, if and only if, I have not been taken to task by any of my PHBs :D 
and as soon as its Thursday, there is a smile and a sign of relief and happiness somewhere in the corner of my heart of the forthcoming weekend :) and mind it, the happiness increases exponentially on thursday's night.

And then, there comes the Friday with a bang! I somehow have that extra energy to work that day, I would be all ready to pounce on my tasks or probably even wage a war and win against my Boss ( Don't know if its the happiness of the weekend - which triggers the energy, well it must be that ;)

And when the clock strikes 5:00 in the evening, happiness is at its peak and with no less time the avalanche of happiness occurs when the office bell rings ( for me ;) to get out of there and get going for a toast or a party or just go home and relax!

Well Fridays are no wonder the happiest day of the week and the Sunday nights the most painful!

So that now am out of my Monday Blues, let me get back to my work ;)

Have a happy working week ahead folks!


Mamatha said...

:-) Nice one pa..First photo is ultimate,i couldn't stop laughing at.

Nuthan said...

Monday morning blues.. guess you got infected by me ; )
Being immune towards this isn't easy but wishing you luck : )
Btw.. what is PHB??.. guess I will take that offline with you.
Nice post and the pics were spot-on.. Good way to start the week ; )

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mamatha :)
@Nuthan PHBs are Point Headed Bosses... a character in Dilbert:

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