

Monday, May 25, 2009


It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.

Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure.

You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you're doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person. You want to settle down for good because now all of a sudden that becomes top priority. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You begin to think a companion for life is better than a hundred in the shack and for once you would not mind standing tall for that special someone which otherwise you had never thought of until now.

You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!
What you may not realize is that every one reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

This is the "Quarter-life Crisis"...

Attitude is Everything!!!

People always feel low about the way life is treating them, but they forget to think what exactly they have done to their lives. The Attitude they wear is all that matters, its all in the attitude of oneself... the way they look into their lives...
To be successful in life, one has to wear the positive attitude, got to have the positive frame of mind. It really doesnt cost much to make oneself happy and also to make others happy. There is no point in cribbing about the way the things are not happening! there is always a solution for a problem, but we ought to be smarter to find out the solution to get things up and working for us! Trust me its aint tough!!!
Every phase of life has lessons for us. we have to learn from them. We have to make sure that, we make our lives a happier one and a better one to live in. This needs loads of patience, perseverence, passion, determination, self confidance and high energy levels and of course to be ready to fight for what we aspire for.
Seeing things in broader perspective, analysing both the sides of the coin, making smarter moves helps one to climb up the ladder wid out any hassles. saying this, cherish every moment of life, coz each moment is beautiful in its own way , its unique and precious in its own way, be ready to take things as they come. If u wann the life the way u want it to be, then go ahd n make it happen! never back off.. nor be scared... coz u have got it all to make it happen...
Nothing is impossible, impossible is nothing...Just wear the positive attitude and Move on :)